The Goodliffe Family of Lambley Lodge, Rutland

Elizabeth GOODLIFFE (1792-1832) - Eldest daughter of Thomas and Mary Goodliffe

Elizabeth Goodliffe was born 28th August 1792 in the family home of Lambley Lodge near Belton in the County of Rutland. She was the first child of Thomas and Mary. Elizabeth's birth was later recorded in the records of the Morcott and Barrowden Baptist Chapel on 1 December 1817 along with her siblings.

1792 birth record for Elizabeth at Barrowden Baptist Chapel.

Elizabeth married Samuel RICHMOND on 30 December 1812, at the parish church of St Peters at Barrowden. (At this time in English history, the dissenting churches could not conduct marriages, only baptisms.) Note that Elizabeth was a spinster at the time of this marriage. That means she did not marry a Robert STRICKLAND (or STRICKLING) at Whissenden on 5 June 1911 as some family trees have assumed. There was more than one Elizabeth in Belton at this time.

1812 Marriage of Elizabeth GOODLIFFE and Samuel RICHMOND at St Peters, Barrowden.

Samuel had been baptised on 16 July 1793 at St Peters, Barrowden. Samuel and Elizabeth had 7 children all baptised at the Baptist Chapel at Barrowden:

     Thomas GOODLIFFE===v===Mary ARNOLD     John RICHMOND===v===Mary
        1756-1829     m:1791    1769-1885                   |
                        |                                   |
                        |                                   |
               Elizabeth GOODLIFFE======v============Samuel RICHMOND================================v======Jane MEADWELL
                    1792-1830         m:1812            1793-1845                                m2:1831     1810-1885
                                        |                                                           |
    |-----------------------------------|-------|---------|---------|--------|-----------|          |------|-------|--------|-------|
Samuel Goodliff                      Thomas    John    Robert     James   Elizabeth    George     Horace  Ellen Katherine Sarah A Sarah K.
1814-1871                             1816- 1818-1826 1821-1887 1823-      1827-     1830-1904     1833-  1837-  1839-  1841-1841  1843-
    |---------|                         |       |         |        |                     |
 m1:1839   m2:1863                    m:1840            m:1844                         m:1854
   Mary     Martha                     Mary             Sophia                        Margaret
  TOWNLEY   FROST                     KERFOOT           TOWNLEY                        POWELL   
1819-1861 1814-1871                     |              1814-1888                     1828-?1900
    |         |                         |                  |                             | 
    |------------------|---------|      |--------|         |-----------|------|-----|
Elizabeth            George    Louisa Thomas  Samuel    Elizabeth   John   Robert  Mary
1841-1917          1847-1876   1853-   1841- 1842-1883 1847-1927 1849-1899  1851-  1853-
    |---------|        |         |      |        |         |          |      
  m1:1863  m2:1873   m:1869    m:1880          m:1865
 Jonathan  George   Catherine William           Jane 
1839-1871 1842-1915    |         |            1842-1912
    |        |                                    |

NameDate of BirthDate of Death
Samuel Goodliff 22 May 1814 6 Feb 1871: Isle of Wight
Thomas 29 March 1816
John 14 Aug 1818 bur: 27 Dec 1826: Barrowden
Robert 5 Feb 1821
James 20 Jan 1825 1887: London
Elizabeth Susan 2 Jan 1827
George Strickland 19 Feb 1830 1904: London

Elizabeth's brother Arnold described her life in his Memoirs thus:

"My eldest sister Elizabeth was born in 1793. She was rather small in stature, and of delicate health, of a sweet gentle disposition, very much resembling her Grandmother Goodliffe. She went to live at her Grandmother Arnold's, she unfortunately married Samuel Richmond, who became a sat inebriate and after a short life of pain and relief on account of her husband's bad habits and violent conduct and unkind treatment, she died before she was 40, leaving 5 sons and 1 daughter, most of whom died in middle life. I spent some little time about my 10th year in order that I might get a little schooling and saw the sad efforts of drunkenness; it had such an influence upon my mind that I resolved with God's help I never would get drunk, I am thankful to have been enabled to keep my resolution; I have been an abstainer for nearly 56 years.

Death of Elizabeth: Apart from Arnold's memoir referring to Elizabeth dying before she was 40 (i.e. before 1832), there is no record. There is a burial for a Mary RICHMOND on 18 May 1828 at Barrowden but this is unlikely. There was also a record for the burial of an Elizabeth at Barrowden on 2 May 1830 attributed to the old IGI index but I cannot find any further evidence for this.

Marriage of Samuel RICHMOND to Jane BEADWELL

It would appear that shortly after Elizabeth's death, and despite Arnold's damning account of Samuel's behaviour, Samuel found himself a new wife. There is a marriage for a Samuel RICHMOND, widower, to Jane BEADWELL, spinster, at All Saints, Stamford on 12 July 1831, 14 months after Elizabeth had died (if the IGI reference is correct). We know from the marriage record for Samuel Goodliff RICHMOND in 1839 (see below) that Samuel (senior) was a tailor, and that this was the occupation of the Samuel, married to Jane, in the 1841 census.

1831 Marriage of Samuel RICHMOND, widower to Jane BEADWELL at Stamford.

Some time between 1837 and 1839 Samuel and Jane had moved to Gretton. They had 5 children:

NameDate of Birth
Horace RICHMOND bap 24 Dec 1833, Barrowden
Ellen (Helen) 1837 Barrowden
Catherine (Katherine) RICHMOND 1839 Gretton
Sarah Ann RICHMOND baorn & died Jun 1841 Gretton
Sarah Keighley RICHMOND 1843 Gretton

In 1841 the family was living in Gretton. With them was Samuel's youngest son with Elizabeth - George Strickland. George had been born just before Elizabeth died in 1830.

1841 census for Samuel and Jane RICHMOND at Stamford.

Samuel RICHMOND died in Gretton in early June 1845 and was buried at the parish church on 4 June 1845.

Burial of Samuel RICHMOND at Gretton, 4 June 1845.

Jane then married Jacob KNIGHT on 2 April 1848 at Gretton and they had several children. She died 28 November 1885 and was buried in the churchyard at Uppingham.

The Children of Elizabeth (GOODLIFFE) and Samuel RICHMOND

Samuel Goodliff RICHMOND

Samuel was born 22 May 1814 at Barrowden. He married Mary Ann TOWNLEY in Thrapston on 24 May 1839. Samuel was 25 and working in London as a wheelwright. Mary claimed she was 20 but was actually 3 weeks short of her 20th birthday.

Samuel and Mary had three children, all born in London:

There is more about Samuel and his family here.

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Thomas married Mary KERFOOT in 1840. They had two children born in Kings Cliffe, Northhamptonshire - Thomas Kerfoot RICHMOND and Samuel Goodliff RICHMOND.

There is more information about Thomas and his family here.

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Robert was born 5 February 1821 in Barrowden, Rutland. In early 1844 he married Sophia TOWNLEY, the younger sister of Mary Ann TOWNLEY, who had married Robert's brother Samuel in 1839.

Robert and Sophia had three children, none of whom married:

         |                           |
  Robert RICHMOND=======v=======Sophia TOWNLEY
       1821-           1839       1819-1861
      Elizabeth        John         Mary
    1847-1927     1849-1899       1853-?
        |               |             |

In 1851 they were living in central London, 1 Ducking Pond Mews, Westminster where Robert was a Hackney Cab Proprietor:

By 1861 they had moved south of the Thames and just east of Tower Bridge to Weld Parade, Bermondsey. Robert was a Cab Driver:

In the 1871 census they had moved again to 169 Albany Rd Camberwell where Robert was a Greengrocer.

Sophia and the three children (still unmarried) are together in the 1881 census at 167 Albany Rd, but Robert was absent:

Robert died in Camberwell in March qtr 1887 (Camberwell 1d/580), and Sophia in Dec qtr 1888 (Camberwell 1d/571).

Following the death of their parents, Elizabeth, John and Mary are together at 241 Albany Rd, John is a Cab Proprietor:

John appears to have died in Dec qtr 1899 (Camberwell 1d/692). Elizabeth and Mary remained in Albany Rd, now at 322 in 1901 and 1911. The 1911 census was filled out by Mary. Although she knew that she was "Kept by my sister" she was not sure of Elizabeth's age (64 or 66) or where she was born (Chapel St, Westminster or Bisbrooke, Rutland):

Elizabeth died in March qtr 1927 (Camberwell 1d/1080). I have not found Mary's death.

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George Strickland RICHMOND

George, the youngest child, was born 19 February 1830 in Barrowden and recorded in the Baptist Chapel of Morcott and Barrowden.

He married Margaret POWELL from Monmouthshire in St Giles, London on 29 May 1854. George was a Stableman. Both resided at 53 Crown St.

Further information about George is hard to find. They are in the 1861 census at 2a Pond Place, Chelsea:

The next records are the 1891 and 1901 censuses where George is a pauper in the Peckham Workhouse, Camberwell:

In 1901 he is shown as Widow, so Margaret had died some time prior. It appears George RICHMOND died in London in early 1904 (March quarter Camberwell).

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Last updated: 29/11/2020