The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 121

home of the Missionaries to the islands of this part of the world. After rambling about the island for some time and glancing at its ruins we returned to the steamer, having much enjoyed the day. I do not sufficiently remember the route we took, but winding round the foot of Scotland’s highest mountain. Our Company stayed to dine at the Large Hotel. We preferred walking towards the path where one of the ascents to the mountain started. The wife rested. I determined to go up to a point where the lake high up in the mountain was. I was told it commanded splendid views from it all around. I started a little before three; the air was very pure and bracing. The day clear and fine. I walked away for 2 hours up and up, still the point at which I aimed seemed


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Last updated: 10/09/2017