Crete Pilgrimage 2016 - Day 22Across the border to GreeceIntroductionAfter breakfast we collected our bags and headed for the coach, parked at the back of he hotel. Soon we were heading for the ferry (again), across to Eceabat and then north to the main highway that runs towards Greece. We dropped our lovely tour guide - Daria - at the bus station and headed for the border as she is not allowed to enter Greece whilst working as a guide. We met our new, Greek, guide the following morning. The border crossing was not straightforward. We had to wait to exit Turkey. Then we had to wait to enter Greece. Then we had to have our bus searched. I wondered what they were focussing on (drugs? electronics? gold? or worse?), but no, it was for boxes of cigarettes. Maybe they had more important things to search for? But after an hour we were in Greece and speeding west towards Thessaloniki, our stop for the night.
Last updated: 31/05/2017 |