From the Pacific to the Atlantic - Crossing Canada by Train
2 October - 5 November 2024

Canada 2024
7 October 2024: Day 6

The "Canadian Train"


The prairies eventually gave way to the Canadian Shield - a vast area of ancient, glaciated rock than forms the core of Canada. A lot of train commentators claim this to be the most boring part of the trip (evern more boring than the Parairies), yet it is widely varied in landscape and vegetation. It is largely unpopulated, with vast stands of trees interspersed with lakes. We were now heading for Winnipeg, where all the train staff changed over. Again we wre running nearly 6 hours late.

Onto the Canadian Shield

Early morning light on trees
The train snaking behind us
We now passed small lakes
We passed lots of small cuttings into the hard rock
A house in the middle of nowhere.
One of a small number of tunnels on the route.
A pile of used rails
Gas tanks to keep the signals warm in Winter.
Piles of old railway ties
The Park car at the end still following us.
Lunch menu
First the wine list
Then the food - soup, burger or melt or pits or quinoa. We chose the burger and melt.
Maybe this was once a station?
Alighting at Sioux Lookout.

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Last updated: 15 December 2024