Scotland 2017 - Day 7Isle of Skye and the QuirangIntroductionThe day started out brighter with patches of sunshine. Our hotel (the Cuillin Hills Hotel) has a wonderful view south across the loch, with the sunshine from time to time making a spotight on the brightly coloured houses in Portree. Our plan was to drive northwest from Portree to do a figure of eight around the northern-most peninsula area, crossing over from west to east (twice) on the road that passes the Quirang, a jumble of hills and sharp rocks in the centre of the island. The road to UigWe headed northwest on the A87 from Portree towards Uig. The road crosses the peninsula to Loch Snizort and then close to the coast to Uig. Uig is a small fishing village but it also has a Calmac ferry terminal. from here you can travel to Lochmaddy on North Uist and Tarbet on Harris.
The QuirangThe central part of Skye, north of Portree is a gigantic landslde, slowly moving west.he rosks are a mixture of schists, limestone and basalt from younger volcanoes. These ancient landslides have created a series of jagged rocks and hills, the best known being the "Old Man of Storr". But in the centre, the landslide is still moving, slowly, and this has created and is maintaining great jagged peaks known as the Quirang. When we visited Skye in 2011 the island was wreathed in cloud and we could not see any of these famous hills. As we set out this time the cloud descended and we thought we would not see them again. As we headed east from the small coastal village of Uig the cloud cleared away and the landscape was bathed in sunshine. We approached the Quirang in ideal conditions and had a marvelous view.
Kilmuir Cemetery and Flora MacDonaldFrom the Quirang we reached Staffin and turned north to cross the top of the peninsula, stopping at the small, windswept cemetery at Kilmuir to visit the grave of Flora MacDonald. She has the tallest headstone in the cemetery and the only one needing a stout steel rod to hold it up against the wind.
Kilt RockA few miles north of Portree lies Kilt Rock. It is a high coastal cliff made of vertically-jointed basalt lava, and looks like the pleats of a kilt. It has a viewing platfrom that give a great view of the rock and the high waterfall beside it.
Last updated: 12/11/2017 |