The Goodliffe Family of Lambley Lodge, Belton-in-RutlandArnold Goodliffe - Provision MerchantThe Centenial History of the Provision BusinessArnold was born on 23 May 1807 in the family home of Lambley Lodge near Belton in the County of Rutland. In May 1823 the family received a letter from his older brother William asking if one of the family could come to Nottingham for a fortnight to be of assistance in his shop. To his dismay Arnold was chosen to go. Arnold worked in his brother's provision shop as general errand boy, liked Nottingham and decided to stay. In 1827 Arnold took a shut-up shop in Bridlesmith Gate and began business as a Provision Merchant. A century later his grandson ran the business and wrote about those 100 years. A copy of the small booklet is available in the Nottingham Archives (N686/25 or DD686/25). I obtained a photocopy in 2003 and provide it here. You can read the booklet online here (you can click on each page for a large image) or you download the full booklet as a PDF here.
Last updated: 27 August 2021 |