The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 99

through Standard Hill, to Mr. Lowe’s Beeston Mill, he was another of the 22. The riots were a sad disgrace to the town used by the Tories to dishonour the Whigs. I saw the conflagration from the opposite side at the top of Hounds Gate.
The first Good Friday I was in business I went to Derby taking what bit of money I could spare intending to buy cheese, when I got there all the warehouses were closed. I made out where Thomas Goodwin, the head warehouseman lived, called on him. He had a bit of salt about him after he had listened to my story he said “Come on, I have a bit of a dairy that will suit you”. He showed me it, I bought it, my money held out to pay for it. Old Bryan Barnes brought it next day, it was just the thing, and very useful, and gave me confidence. Old Tommy Goodwin


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Last updated: 10/09/2017