The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 59

I shall now, in order to satisfy the desire of my eldest son try to give a brief outline of the few leading incidents of my life. They are very common place and scarcely worth recording, if they afford interest or amusement I shall be re-paid. It has furnished me with an occupation when I was unable to leave my room and engaged my hands and thoughts when otherwise I should have been restless etc. I have not kept a diary therefore many incidents have been forgotten.
I was born at old Lambley Lodge near Belton, Rutland, on 23rd of May 1807. I was the eleventh child and seventh son of Thomas and Mary Goodliffe, from report not a bit like the beautiful month of May, not a bright flower, but a little black-haired dark-complexioned thing, jokingly said to have taken a tinge from the Lynn sailor.


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Last updated: 10/09/2017