The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 50

of lively young ones. The bashful young Grazier attracted the attention of the fun loving youngsters. They marched out of the room, planned their bit of mischief, came in, pinioned him, rubbing his face with a brass ladle, the remedy for bashfulness. It was a cure the first dressing. He jumped and saluted them all round and so won his spurs, with the lively farmer’s daughters. In a while at a convenient season, his Mary and he joined interests and spend together a few most happy and loving years. I suppose they were the true elements of characters in each, fitting them for each other. Her intelligence, good taste in their simple household arrangements, their general adaptability to each other in all the leading affairs of life tended to promote to their happiness. They had to, and did exercise the utmost prudence


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Last updated: 10/09/2017