The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 35

She has just passed away in her 90th year. When a young girl she was active and strong, a good type of a stirring daughter of a farmer, with a bit of spirit and temper - able to Ride or drive.
When I was born she was reported to have said “What had another little black-haired boy come” for there were six already; and I was told a tale that on one occasion when by my nasty cross temper when a babe, she popped me into the cradle, but could not rock me either to sleep or be quiet she rocked away with such a vengeance as to pitch me out on the plaster floor. It brought my dear mother to the rescue who soon soothed my fretful little temper. The incident remained as a joke between us to the day of her death.
About her 22nd year the truth of the old adage was verified in her case that “The


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Last updated: 10/09/2017