The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham

The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold Goodliffe

Page 133

Snowdon by Carnarven, had a fine walk, came to our lodgings real tired.
The chief journey of my life was to Rome, and several of the most celebrated cities of Italy in company with Mr. Cook. I left home March 25th 1878, joined a party of about 40 persons, several G.B. ministers viz:- Messrs Barrass, Orton, Clifford, Hill, Forth etc besides laymen. One object was to be at the opening of the new chapel, for the main company, the sights and glories of Rome and Italy. I was away a month, but having so fully written my impressions and delights with my journey, I think it is unnecessary to refer to it further than to say, that the time spent was too short to see, the many wonderful places and objects.
If I am spared to another winter, I may


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Last updated: 10/09/2017