The Goodliffe Family of Nottingham
The Story of My Life - The original, handwritten version of the Memoirs of Arnold
Page 128
both of us contributed greatly to our enjoyment. We returned home after a
month’s enjoyment, on the health giving beautiful Isle of Man thankful
to find all safe, and again enjoyed our own fireside. Four of our most
interesting sea side visits have been to Tenby, S. Wales. The distance
and length of time to get to it is a draw back, whenthere is very
enjoyable. The bay is pleasant, the old castle hill, washed by the sea,
with its ruins, monuments, museums walks etc are very attractive and
pleasant. Visitors very much enjoy the Castle grounds. Then the fort on
St. Catherine’s rocks, accessible in low water, with its caves,
surrounded in high water, in stormy weather very
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Last updated: 10/09/2017