From the Pacific to the Atlantic - Crossing Canada by Train
2 October - 5 November 2024

Canada 2024
26 October 2024: Day 25

Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Saturday dawned fine and clear, but only 4C. We set out for the Halifax Citadel, the hilltop fortress that looks out over the city. The views were great and the citadel is a well-preserved monment. Although it is managed by Parks Canada most of the visitor experience is from volunteer guides dressed for the part in army uniforms of the late 1800s. The fortress has a deep moat surrounding high granite walls. It would have been a formidable fortress in its day. The display included the live firing of an early Lee Enfield rifle. The shots echoed around the walls.

One of the tourist attractions in Halifax is the Alexander Keith Brewery. We knew this Keith was not a relative, but none-the-less we were intrigued, so off we went for the brewery tour.

The Halifax Citadel

The Old Town Clock - built on the request of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent.
Entrance to the Citadel
Inside the walls
Live firing of an early Lee Enfield rifle (blanks of course).
Looking down on the parade ground.
Maybe it gets cold in Winter?
7.1 inch rail gun
Watch out - the parsnips will get you!

Alexander Keith's Brewery, Halifax

We know this Keith is not a relative, but none-the-less we were intriqued with the name, so off we went to tour his brewery. It is one of the tourist attractions in Halifax . It was slick and well organised but a bit light on history and the process of brewing, but they did provide us with 4 glasses of ale!

We passed this man on our way to the brewery!
It was the day of the farmer's market.
PIE Pumpkins $5 ea, Rutabaga $3/lb.
Lettuce $3/head or $4/¼ pound
Beets $4 (each or bunch?)
Now it was time for the tour
Underground cellars...
and tunnels..
"Yes please!"
Entertainment from the time of Alexander..
The Keith staghead
The outside stonework - granite mostly.
Finally, we had to climb back up Sackville St to the hotel.

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Last updated: 15 December 2024